为了明确新烟碱类杀虫剂吡虫啉和噻虫嗪对韭蛆的防控效果及使用安全性,采用韭菜根际撒施毒土的施药方法,研究了新烟碱类杀虫剂1次用药对韭蛆的持效期和防控效果,并对韭菜产品进行农药残留检测。结果表明,韭菜萌芽或收割后2~3 d用吡虫啉或噻虫嗪630 g/hm^2撒施于韭菜根际处,对韭菜保株和防治效果分别为80.54%~95.83%和91.57%~96.36%,持效期在88 d以上,韭菜中吡虫啉农药残留低于我国农药最大残留限量(我国尚未对噻虫嗪制定最大残留限量),与常规药剂毒死蜱2 250 g/hm^2相比较,减少用药次数2~3次。示范试验结果表明,大棚韭菜扣棚前以630 g/hm^2施用吡虫啉1次,可有效控制棚中2~3茬韭菜上韭蛆危害,保株效果为81.27%~92.40%;小拱棚制种田以630 g/hm^2施用吡虫啉或噻虫嗪2次即可防控韭蛆周年危害,保株效果为87.63%~97.28%。由此可见,新烟碱类杀虫剂吡虫啉和噻虫嗪是替代有机磷药剂防治韭蛆的理想药剂。
In order to indicate the control efficiency of neonicotinoid insecticides on larvae of Bradysia odoriphaga and their safety to leeks,the control effects and persistence of imidacloprid and thiamethoxam used once were studied by the method of spreading toxic soil or poison sand in the rhizosphere of leeks,meanwhile their residue in leeks were tested. The results showed that when imidacloprid or thiamethoxam was applied at 630 g / ha at the sprouting stage or 2—3 d behand harvest,the seedling protecting effect and insecticidal effect were 80. 54% —95. 83% and 91. 57% —96. 36%,respectively,and the effective period was more than 88 d. The imidacloprid residue of leeks was far below MRL of domestic standard,but China has not yet formulated MRL for thiamethoxam. Compared with the conventional pesticide chlorpyrifos at 2 250 g / ha,pesticide application times reduced by 2 to 3 times. In greenhouse leekdemonstration trials,by spreading toxic soil or poison sand of imidacloprid at 630 g / ha in the rhizosphere of leeks before covering greenhouse with plastic film,the seedling protecting effect could reach 81. 27% —92. 40% from covering-shed date to withdrawing-shed date. In seed production field with small shed,scattering toxic soil or poison sand of imidacloprid and thiamethoxam 2 times a year at 630 g / ha could control anniversary damage of Bradysia odoriphaga effectively,and the seedling protecting effect was87. 63% —97. 28%. These data indicated that imidacloprid and thiamethoxam were safe,effective and ideal pesticides for controlling Bradysia odoriphaga and could replace organophosphorus agents.
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences