With the launch of the documentary "A Bite of China" , "She Jian Shang De Zhong Guo" has become the new internet catchphrase. All these expressions with high frequency share a same construction, i. e. , "She Jian Shang De X" construction. From the perspective of the Frame Semantics, its constructional meaning can be described as "eat" event frame. "She Jian Shang De" is the fixed part of the construction, and " X" is the filled word. The filled words foreground one or more ingredient of the " eat" event frame through windowing of attention. Constructional coercion highlights the semantic ingredient of food and diet and shads other semantic elements at the same time, and eventually transforms the semantic meaning of the filled words,achieving the semantic and pragmatic harmony between the constructional meaning and the meaning of the filled words.
Journal of Chuzhou University