目的探讨医学院校口腔专业大学生与非口腔专业大学生在龋齿患病率、牙龈出血率、口腔卫生习惯状况及口腔保健意识等方面的区别。方法采用调查问卷的方式进行抽样调查,并对调查结果进行统计分析。结果口腔专业大学生平均患龋率45.35%,非口腔专业大学生平均患龋率51.72%;口腔专业有67.82%的学生刷牙时间≥2 min,有27.59%达到3 min,而非口腔专业仅有8.14%的学生达到3 min;口腔专业学生主动去口腔专业机构做口腔保健的为40.23%,非口腔专业仅有29.07%。结论口腔专业学生与非口腔专业学生在龋齿患病率、牙龈出血率、口腔卫生习惯及保健意识方面均有显著差异性,应加大对非口腔专业大学生口腔健康教育和卫生指导,积极预防和早期治疗各种口腔疾病,提高口腔健康水平。
Objective: To discuss the differences of the morbidity of decayed teeth,bleeding rate of gum,habits of oral health,and oral health awareness between stomatology students and non-dental students. Methods: A sample survey was conducted by questionnaire and the results of the survey were analyzed. Results: The ratio of caries of stomatology students was45. 35% on average. While,the non-dental students account for 51. 72%; 67. 82% stomatology students brushed their teeth for more than two minutes and 27. 59% stomatology students brushed their teeth for more than three minutes. While,that the non-dental students brushed their teeth for more than three minutes is only account for 8. 14% of the whole; all oral health awareness is weak,40. 23% stomatology students went to oral professional organization forwardly,while non-dental students only for 29. 07%. Conclusions: There are remarkably differences of the morbidity of decayed teeth,bleeding rate of gum,habits of oral health,and oral health awareness between stomatology students and non-dental students. We should improve the oral health education and sanitary instruction for the non-dental students,preventing actively and treating early all kinds of oral disease,and improve the level of oral health.
Journal of Taishan Medical College
oral medicine profession
non-dental profession
college students
oral sanitation
oral health