为了进行汽车操纵稳定性建模和仿真,总结了非线性和线性Uni Ttire侧向力模型。基于平面假设,建立了考虑轮胎非线性和线性的汽车操纵稳定性二自由度模型,提出了基于线性和非线性Uni Ttire侧向力模型的操纵稳定性仿真算法。在常用车速60 km/h下,对某轿车操纵稳定性进行了仿真,获得了横摆角速度、质心侧偏角和侧向加速度的时间历程。研究结果表明,基于线性和非线性Uni Ttire侧向力模型仿真的横摆角速度、质心侧偏角和侧向加速度是不同的,研究汽车操纵稳定性应关注轮胎的非线性。
For modeling and simulation of automotive handling and stability,the nonlinear and linear laternal force models of Uni Ttire are summarized. Based on planar assumptions,the models of two degrees of freedom with nonlinear and linear tire characteristics are established for automotive handling and stability,the corresponding simulation algorithms are proposed based on linear and nonlinear laternal force models of Uni Ttire. At common speed of60 km / h,time domain simulation is carried out on a car handling and stability,the yew angular velocity,side-slip angle of the center of mass and laternal acceleration time history are obtained. The results show that the yew angular velocity,side-slip angle of the center of mass and laternal acceleration of linear laternal force model of Uni Ttire are different from the ones of nonlinear laternal force model of Uni Ttire,and it is necessary to pay attention to nonlinear property of tire.
Science Technology and Engineering