目的 分析2005-2014年海军舰艇部队呼吸系统主要疾病构成及历年变迁特点,为海军舰艇部队卫勤保障工作提供依据.方法 对海军后勤部卫生部2005年1月至2014年1 1月的全部《军队卫生统计报表》数据进行统计分析,总结发病特点,并与以往不同时期海军舰艇部队呼吸系统疾病情况进行对比.结果 (1)2005-2014年海军舰艇部队疾病总顺位前5位:上呼吸道感染、扁桃体炎、外伤、癣、单纯性腹泻,合计占比61.7%.其中上呼吸道感染总顺位排名第1位,占比39.0%.(2)2005-2014年海军舰艇部队各系统疾病总顺位前5位:呼吸系统、消化系统、损伤、骨骼肌肉系统疾病、皮肤和皮下组织疾病,合计占比93%.其中呼吸系统疾病总顺位排名第1,占比53%.(3)2005-2014年海军舰艇部队呼吸系统疾病总顺位前5名:上呼吸道感染、扁桃体炎、鼻炎、支气管炎、肺炎,其中上呼吸道感染总顺位排名第1,在呼吸系统疾病中占比74%.(4)2005-2013年海军舰艇部队上呼吸道感染年发病率波动在93%~110%.结论 呼吸系统疾病是海军舰艇部队最常见疾病,重视呼吸系统疾病尤其是上呼吸道感染的防治具有积极意义.
Objective To analyze the respiratory disease spectrum among the ship crews of naval afloat units from 2005 to 2014 and features of diseases in the last dozen of years,so as to provide evidence for future medical support of our naval afloat units.Methods Statistical analyses were made on the medical data of all the "Military Health Statistical Reports" from the Naval Logistics Command from January 2005 to November 2014,features of the disease were summarized,and finally a comparative study was performed on the respiratory system disorders encountered by naval afloat units in the past years.Results (1) The top 5 diseases that occurred among the naval afloat units from 2005 to 2014 were:upper respiratory tract infection,tonsillitis,trauma,ringworm,simple diarrhea,accounting for 61.7% of all the diseases,with the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection (39.0%) being the first of all the disorders.(2) The top five system diseases among the naval afloat units from 2005 to 2014 were:respiratory system,digestive system,trauma,musculoskeletal system,skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders,accounting for 93% of all the diseases,with the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection (53%) being the first of all system disorders.(3) The top five respiratory disorders that occurred among the naval afloat units during the same time span were:upper respiratory tract infection,tonsillitis,rhinitis,bronchitis and pneumonia,with the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection being the first,accounting for 74% of all the respiratory system disorders.(4) During the time span of 2005 to 2013,the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection among the naval afloat units fluctuated between 93% and 110%.Conclusions The respiratory system disorders were the most common diseases that occurred among the naval afloat units.With this reason,it was of positive significance to pay special emphasis on the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases,the upper respiratory tract infectio
Chinese Journal of Nautical Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine
Disease spectrum
Naval vessel
Respiratory system
Upper respiratory tract infection