The main research target and goal of the global spatial information public service specification and commercial operational system is to make a breakthrough in key technologies such as massive user concurrent access, precise mapping of spatial entity, dynamic association of multi-level semantics, real-time access and integration of Internet event information holographic content, based on our own national search engine; to make a research on establishing spatial information service specification and operating system to obtain spatial information public service of high availability, efficiency and sustainability; to establish a platform for the global spatial information public service technology, based on scalable architecture, management of massive spatial data and distributed information services technology; to build "Jike hotspot information public service system" to achieve real-time access, precise positioning and process tracking of information on Internet events, to provide accurate,rich, fast and sustained global spatial information content service to the public via the Internet(including mobile Internet). In the year of 2013, the project has accomplished verification on the high-efficiency spatial information storage and high-performance spatial information retrieval technology, according to the annual assessment of the first year; has researched and established a spatial entity mapping model, Internet event expression model; has completed writing of public application service specification draft; has initially completed building of a basic cluster environment for the spatial information public service; has completed docking experiments and tests of spatial information platform and IT infrastructure environment for Jike; has completed development on event spatial positioning and spatial association tool; has initially realized development on event detecting and attribute information obtaining software ; and has submitted five patent applications, four software copyright applications, and one scien
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