数据建库前的相关处理是数据建库过程中最重要且工作量最大的环节。本文以1∶2 000矢量数据为例,基于CMAP和Super Map软件对数据建库前处理的关键技术进行探讨。通过在CMAP和Super Map中对比分析矢量数据建库前处理的差异与优势,总结出矢量数据建库的关键技术,同时实现了图库一体化。
The related processing of pre - database building is the most important and the largest workload step in the process of the database building. According to 1 : 2 000 vector data, this paper discussed the key technologies of pre - database building processing based on the CMAP software and SuperMap software. Through the comparative analysis the differences and advantages of vector data pre - database building processing in CMAP and SuperMap, It summarized the key technologies of vector database building, and It realized the integration of map and database.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology