目的:比较组胺支气管激发试验(His-BPT)与乙酰甲胆碱支气管激发试验(Mch-BPT)的诊断价值及不良反应差异,为临床激发药物的选择提供参考。方法招募哮喘患者28例(哮喘组)、感染后咳嗽(cough post infection,CPI)患者23例(CPI 组)及健康志愿者21名(正常对照组)。所有受试者按照随机自身交叉对照原则分别进行 His-BPT 与 Mch-BPT,比较两种试验的灵敏度、特异度及不良反应差异。结果① His-BPT 与 Mch-BPT 的灵敏度分别为90%和83%;特异度分别为89%和100%;准确度分别为89%和93%;阳性预测价值分别为84%和100%;阴性预测价值分别为93%和90%。②His-BPT 的 ROC 曲线下面积为0.959(95% CI :0.916-1.001),P 〈0.01;Mch-BPT 的 ROC 曲线下面积为0.957(95% CI :0.901-1.013),P 〈0.01;③哮喘组不良反应以咳嗽(His-BPT:64.29%, Mch-BPT:50%, P =0.10)、咽干(His-BPT:57.14%, Mch-BPT:35.71%,P =0.17)、气紧(His-BPT:82.14%,Mch-BPT:78.57%,P =0.92)与胸闷(His-BPT:32.14%,Mch-BPT:25%,P =0.40)为主;CPI 组以咳嗽(His-BPT:66%,Mch-BPT:44%,P 〈0.01)、咽干(His-BPT:43%,Mch-BPT:57%,P =0.47)以及气紧(His-BPT:22%,Mch-BPT:19%,P =0.40)为主;正常对照组中 His-BPT 的咳嗽(67%)及声嘶发生率(29%)显著均高于Mch-BPT (咳嗽:38%,P 〈0.01;声嘶发生率:5%,P =0.05)。结论两种激发试验均对哮喘有较高的诊断价值,Mch-BPT 特异度较高但敏感度稍逊,His-BPT 不良反应比例略高,两者均无发生严重不良反应,故两者均适合在临床上推广使用。
Objective To provide a choice of drug for provocation test in clinic by comparing the diagnostic value and adverse effect between histamine bronchial provocation test (His-BPT) and methacholine bronchial provocation test(Mch-BPT).Methods 28 patients with asthma,23 patients with cough post infection(CPI) were enrolled and 21 healthy subjects as volunteers.Accoding to a crossover-control design,all of the patients were assigned to group with His-BPT or Mch-BPT randomly.The sensitivity,specificity and adverse effect of this two provocation methods were compared.Results ① The sesitivit,specificity,accuracy,positive predictive value and negtive predictive value of His-BPT andMch-BPT were 90% and 83%,89% and 100%,89% and 93%,84% and 100%,93% and 90%respectively.②Area under the ROC curve of the His-BPT is 0.959,the 95% confidence interval (0.91 6-1.001),P 〈0.01;The Mch-BPT is 0.957,the 95% confidence interval(0.901-1.013),P 〈0.01;③The main adverse effect in asthmatic group with Mch-BPT or His-BPT were cough (His-BPT:64.29%, Mch-BPT:50%,P = 0.10),throat-drying (His-BPT:57.14%,Mch-BPT:35.71%,P = 0.1 7),short breath (His-BPT:82.14%,Mch-BPT:78.57%,P = 0.92),chest tightness (His-BPT:32.14%, Mch-BPT:25%,P =0.40)respectively.The main adverse effect in CPI with Mch-BPT or His-BPT were cough(His-BPT:66%,Mch-BPT:44%,P 〈0.01),throat-drying(His-BPT:43%,Mch-BPT:57%,P =0.47),short breath(His-BPT:22%,Mch-BPT:1 9%,P =0.40).The incidence of cough and hoarseness in healty volunteers with His-BPT were significantly higher than those in volunteers with Mch-BPT(67%vs 38%;P 〈0.01;29% vs 5%,P =0.05).Conclusions Both of His-BPT and Mch-BPT showed a high diagnostic value and no severe adverse effect,but a higher specificty and lower sensitivity were found in Mch-BPT.Though a high rate of adverse effect was found in His-BPT,subjects with adverse effect could received relief after related management.It was worth promoting the use of His-BPT and Mch-BPT i
International Journal of Respiration
Bronchial provocation test
Adverse effect