
地震条件下海底双层油气管线的工作理论、强度标准和损伤评价 被引量:2

Evaluation of dynamic behavior, strength and damage of pipe-in-pipe system in earthquake conditions
摘要 我国渤海湾是地震多发地区 ,该地区的海底输油管线随时都面临地震的威胁。地震成为渤海输油管线必要的设计条件 ,地震载荷是在役管线安全风险评估必须包括的环境载荷。本文综述了国内外在管线抗震设计及相关研究、双层油气管线的工作理论、强度标准与损伤评判等方面的研究工作 ,对我国制定地震条件下海底管线的评估计算方法。 The earthquake, frequently taking place in Bohai Gulf, is a potential hazard to the submarine pipelines. Due to the lack of design methods for submarine pipelines against earthquakes, the pipelines laid there especially in 1980s were designed without taking the earthquake into consideration. Even currently, there are no practical earthquake concerned design methods for submarine pipelines. The earthquake has been the main concern for design of the pipelines in Bohai Gulf, and is the main environmental conditions for the evaluation of the safety of existing pipelines. This paper presents the current state of research and related results of dynamic behavior, strength and damage evaluation of the pipe-in-pipe system in earthquake conditions. The presentation supplies a valuable reference for the design of submarine pipelines against earthquake, the evaluation procedures of existing pipes, and preventive measures from the risk of the pipes in Bohai Gulf.
出处 《海洋工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期1-8,共8页 The Ocean Engineering
基金 中国海洋石油总公司"十五"重大基础研究资助项目 (CNOOCRC DEI 2 0 0 2 0 15 )
关键词 地震 海底双层油气管线 强度标准 损伤评判 渤海湾 抗震设计 环境载荷 earthquake submarine pipe in pipe system strength criteria damage evaluation
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