天然气制甲醇原料合成气生产技术经历了常压工艺和加压工艺,现在已发展到高压转化工艺。同时实现了天然气与空气中提取的纯氧在5.5~8.5MPa压力下的自热转化工艺。而甲醇合成工艺的合成压力则从30MPa降到5~8MPa。因此采用自热转化工艺用天然气制取的合成气可在等压下合成甲醇,这样可省去动力巨大的合成气压缩机,并将自热转化气与甲醇合成副产的蒸汽分级利用。这是天然气(或页岩气)制合成气生产甲醇的创新生产技术。该技术甲醇原料单耗低[<800m^3/t(标准)]、不耗电、不排放CO_2。用该创新技术改造内蒙古博源联化的大型系列化210×10~4t/a甲醇装置,再加工成80×10~4t/a乙丙烯,成为我国重化工工业结构调整、绿色发展、创新发展的示范技术。博源联化经技术改造建成天然气为原料的节气减排CO_2的210×10~4t/a甲醇(4套合计),用其中200×10~4t/a加工生产80×10~4t/a(2套40×10~4t/a装置)乙、丙烯的特大型天然气甲醇乙烯化工基地。基地年总用天然气17×10~8m^3/a,用水电10×104k W·h,乙、丙烯年总产值约64亿元,利税约21.4亿元,总投资约80亿元,投产后4年左右可回收投资。产品乙、丙烯再综合利用深度加工,产值还可翻番,投入产出比为1∶0.80。该技术改造项目的建成投产将推动我国潜在天然气、页岩气、煤层气等资源的开发利用,具有广泛的示范作用。
The evolving technology for making the synthetic gas used for producing methanol from natural gas has been atmospheric and pressurized technology to today's high-pressure conversion technology.Re- searchers have also developed autothermal reforming technology in which natural gas reacts with the pure oxygen extracted from the air at a pressure between 5.5 and 8.5MPa.The pressure for methanol synthesis has dropped to 5-8MPa from 30MPa.Therefore,the synthetic gas made from natural gas using autothermal reform- ing technology can be used to synthesize methanol in an isobaric condition,eliminating the need for a syngas compressor with great power demand.The autothermal reforming gas and the steam produced in the process of methanol synthesis as a byproduct can also be utilized in a staged mode.This is an innovative process for making methanol with syngas produced from natural gas or shale gas.The technology features low feedstock consumption [〈800m3/t(standard)],zero power consumption,and zero CO2 emission.The innovative technology was introduced to Inner Mongolia Berun United Chemical Co.,Ltd.'s 210x10^4t/a methanol unit,products from which are further processed into 80x10^4t/a of ethylene and propylene.The technology now serves as a demon- strative technology for the domestic heavy chemical industry to adjust its structure and pursue a green and innovative pathway of growth.Based on this innovative technology,Berun has established a mega natural gas, methanol and ethylene chemical industry base ,which uses natural gas as feedstock and is feedstock efficient, with small environmental footprint.The base produces 210x10^4t of methanol annually (including four facilities), 200x10^4t/a of which is used for making 80x10^4t/a of ethylene and propylene (two units,each with a capacity of 40x10^4t/a).The base consumes 17x10^4m3/a of natural gas and 10x10^4kW'h of hydropower and produces around 6.4 billion yuan worth of ethylene and propylene annually.Annual profit and tax amount to 2.14 bil- lion yuan.In
Sino-Global Energy
light hydrocarbons (natural gas, shale gans, coalbedmethane, etc.)
three segment pure-oxy-gen autothermal reforming
isobaric methanol synthesis
ethylene production by dehydration of methanol