

15 Years' Dialogue between Chinese and Islamic Civilizations in China in Retrospect
摘要 2000年,在苏州召开的哈佛-燕京学社校友学术研讨会上,杜维明先生提出的会议主题是"文明对话:本土知识的全球意义"。当时中国学者对文明对话并没有什么认识,对文明冲突也没有特别的敏感。会上杜先生详细谈到他从20世纪90年代前期既已开始的与穆斯林的文明对话。在杜先生的推动和直接参与下,南京大学与哈佛-燕京学社在南京、宁夏、昆明主办了四次中国穆斯林学者与非穆斯林学者的学术对话,大家共同研讨中国历史上和当前穆斯林与非穆斯林的交往和碰撞、借鉴和吸收。在文明对话的旗帜下,参与对话的中国穆斯林精英的文化认同有了非常积极的发展,中国非穆斯林学者也能够更加自信地与穆斯林相处。这是中国"文化自觉与文化认同"最吸引人的一次互动,不仅为"中国的"伊斯兰文化的发展提供了难得的推动,也为全球各地非穆斯林与穆斯林的相处共存提供了有益的借鉴。回顾15年的经历,成绩斐然,但仍然存在一些需要进一步探讨的问题:(1)如何将"回儒文明"对话从哲学和思想史领域向更多领域扩展,比如对中世纪伊斯兰地理学、历史学关于东方的内容与东方汉语文献的对比研究。这样的研究不仅更加具体地展现公元750年至15世纪末欧洲大航海时代前夕的世界文明史,而且让中国穆斯林和非穆斯林对伊斯兰文化的发展有更清醒的认识。(2)如何认识当前伊斯兰世界面临的紧迫课题,特别是中国穆斯林和非穆斯林学者应该有怎样的文化自觉。 The topic of Harvard-Yenching Alumni Conference in 2000 at Suzhou was "Dialogue between Civilizations: the Global Significance of Local Knowledge". Although I presented a paper (Globalization and the Local Knowledge in Chinese Muslim Communities ) in the conference, but at that time we did not have any clear idea about dialogues as well as clashes between civilizations. Professor Tu Weiming talked about his involvement in the dialogues with Muslim since early 1990s in the U.S and in Asia. Since then Nanjing University's Institute of Mongol-Asian Studies collaborated with Harvard-Yenching Institute in four international conferences on the dialogue between Chinese and Islamic Civilizations in China.The Muslim and non-Muslim scholars discussed historical and contemporary encounters between two civilizations, especially the experiences of Chinese-Muslim elites in the late Ming and early Qing period.The dialogue strengthened the confidence and identification of Chinese-Muslim for their culture and provided opportunities to non-Muslim Chinese to learn about them and their ways of life. This dialogue between Chinese and Islamic Civilizations was the successful interaction between mainstream and minority cultures in China. It not only brings favorable improvement for the development of Islam in China, but also offers good references for coexistence of Muslim and non-Muslim around the world. To take it further, I would suggest two proposals: First, to broaden the focus of our research by going beyond the field of philosophy and thought. For example, the Islamic historical and geographical knowledge on the world and especially on China hold immense value. This move will not only advance our knowledge of Islamic Civilization, but will also improve the understandings of Chinese Muslim and non-Muslim about the development of Islamic civilization. Second, to answer the question from the current difficult position of Islam around the world and to find a way of getting rid of the position from the perspective of Ch
作者 华涛 Hua Tao
出处 《西北民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期132-137,229,共7页 Journal of Northwestern Ethnic Studies
关键词 文明对话 回儒对话 伊斯兰文化资源 文化自觉 dialogue between civilizations dialogue between Chinese and Islamic civilizations the source of Islamic civilization cultural consciousness(see P. 132 )
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