大学英语多媒体教学 ,是一种集文字、声音、图像于一体的立体教学活动 ,将课堂单纯讲授的教学模式 ,转变成为视、听、说、读、写、思全面发展的交际英语教学模式。本文阐述了大学英语教学多媒体教室的功能设置 ,着重论述了使用多媒体进行大学英语教学的方法 。
College English teaching in multimedia classrooms combines written language, sounds and pictures, changing the teacher centered English teaching pattern into communicative teaching pattern which develops students' competence fully in seeing, listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking. This paper states the advantages of using multimedia techniques to teach college English and the set up of multimedia language rooms. The article introduces different techniques in using multimedia facilities in the language class mainly and raises a few questions that should be paid attention to.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology