为对南疆主栽果树叶片对沙尘污染的抗污能力进行分类,以南疆主栽果树叶片为材料,在自然污染状态下的果树叶片分别进行抗坏血酸、总叶绿素含量、p H、叶组织中相对含水量的测定和比较,并用Singh公式对南疆主栽果树叶片对沙尘污染抗污能力进行估算。结果表明,南疆主栽果树叶片叶绿素含量在33.48~57.03 SPAD,秋富最高,而无花果最低。p H的分布范围在3.67~6.60,大部分果树叶片都是酸性,无花果、樱桃、榅桲、白桑、红枣等接近中性。而叶组织中相对含水量在39.22%~77.01%,其中葡萄、伊犁香梨、句句梨、杏、小白杏、无花果等较高,库尔勒香梨最低。抗坏血酸含量变化幅度在0.43~2.01 mg/g,核桃最高,而李子、无花果、山楂等抗坏血酸含量最低。用Singh公式得到植物抗污能力APTI值,用系统聚类分析法进行分析,把南疆主栽果树对沙尘污染的抗污能力分为最好、较好、一般、较差、最差等5类。
In order to classify the leaf pollution tolerance of main fruit trees in south Xinjiang, use fruit treeleaves as materials, the authors respectively detect and compare the ascorbic acid, total chlorophyll content,p H value, leaf relative water content of different fruit trees under the natural polluting condition, adopted Singhformula to estimate the leaf dust pollution tolerance of main fruit trees in south Xinjiang. The results showedthat leaf chlorophyll content of the samples ranged from 33.48 to 57.03 SPAD, while Qiufu had the highestchlorophyll content, the fig had the lowest value. The p H values ranged from 3.67 to 6.60, and leaves of mostfruit trees were acidic; leaves of figs, cherry, Cydonia oblonga, white mulberry and jujube were close to neutral.The relative leaf water content ranged from 39.22% to 77.01%, and that of grape, Yili fragrant pear, Jujuli,apricot, small white apricot and fig was high, but Korla fragrant pear had the lowest leaf relative water content.Ascorbic acid content varied from 0.43 to 2.01 mg/g, walnut had the highest ascorbic acid content; plums, figs,hawthorn had the lowest ascorbic acid content. Applying Singh formula to calculate APTI value which depictedplant pollution tolerance and using clustering analysis could classify the leaf dust pollution tolerance of mainfruit trees in south Xinjiang as best, good, ordinary, worse and worst.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
south Xinjiang
fruit tree
pollution tolerance