针对某节能型重载足式机器人单关节电液伺服驱动系统动态跟踪问题,对重载足式机器人节能型单关节电液伺服驱动系统特性、H_∞控制等方面进行了研究,建立了系统数学模型,提出了采用扩展H_∞混合灵敏度控制,引入了转换环节,将实际对象虚轴极点转换到传递函数或控制器中,解决了因单关节电液伺服驱动系统传递函数分母存在积分环节引起的奇异H_∞问题。通过采用扩展H_∞混合灵敏度三块加权函数法求解H_∞控制器,选择适当的加权函数,基于Matlab/Robust工具箱,设计了扩展H_∞混合灵敏度控制器,基于Matlab/Simulink平台搭建了系统仿真模型,对扩展H_∞控制的单关节电液伺服驱动系统动态跟踪特性及其系统稳定性进行了评价。仿真实验结果表明,H_∞控制系统满足鲁棒性及鲁棒性能要求,控制系统动态响应满足2 Hz正弦信号双十指标要求。
Aiming at the problem of dynamic frequency and phase tracking performance for the joints hydraulic actuators system for burden legged robot,the characteristics and H∞ control of the system was researched. The math mold of system was built. The extended H∞mixed sensitivity control was presented to solve the singular H∞control problem which caused by the integrator block of system math model. The appropriate weighting functions was selected and the extended H∞ controller was designed. The the system dynamic frequency and phase tracking performance were evaluated based on the Matlab / Simulink. The dynamic frequency and phase tracking performance of the H∞controller was examined in the joints hydraulic actuators system for burden legged robot simulation system. The results indicate that the extended H∞controller satisfies the robust performance and the dynamic frequency and phase tracking performance.
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering