针对超高速电梯气动特性研究问题,对比研究了电梯运行10 m/s时二维井道模型、三维井道模型及带层门地坎的三维井道模型。利用ANSYS有限元软件对各模型下的井道气动特性进行了分析,研究得到了各井道模型中不同截面上的气流分布情况,并进行了比较研究;建立了井道对称截面上各直线位置处气流的速度特性曲线,对井道前后侧速度大小进行了研究;建立了对称截面各直线上气流最大值,并进行了比较分析;在两种不同的三维井道模型中,针对层门地坎对轿厢的气动力影响大小进行了分析。研究结果表明,二维井道模型中整体井道流速大,最大流速相比增大近25%,且无法捕捉井道左右侧气流影响;三维井道模型中,层门地坎导致井道后侧流速增大,井道前侧流速减少,同时增加轿厢上下气动阻力93.2%及轿厢前后倾覆力566.7%。
Aiming at the research of the aerodynamic characteristics of super high-speed elevator,the models of 2D-hoistway,3D-hoistway and 3D-hoistway with land sill were compared and studied at the velocity of the 10 m / s elevator. Aerodynamic characteristics was analyzed in different hoistway models through the ANSYS,which airflow distributions were got and compared in each hoistway models,which the airflow velocity curves were built at the lines in the symmetrical hoistway section and the velocity values were analyzed at the front and back side hoistway,which the maximum airflow velocity was built and compared in each line in the symmetrical hoistway section,which the influence of elevator aerodynamic force by the land sill was analyzed in the two models of 3D-hoistway. The results indicate that analysis has got the bigger airflow velocity overall which maximum airflow velocity is increased nearly 25%,and the air influence from the left-side and right-side cannot be attained in the 2D-hoistway model. In the 3D-hoistway models,land sill caused the incremental of the air velocity at the back-side hoistway and decremental at the front-side hoistway,and the resistance force of the elevator car is increased nearly 93. 2% and the overturning force was increased nearly 566. 7%.
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
super high-speed elevator
hoistway models
aerodynamic characteristics
land sill