In situations in which individuals are motivated to conceal or repress their true emotions, their facial expressions may leak despite their efforts to conceal them. Many of these leakages are manifested in the form of micro-expressions, and these leakages can be very useful for detection of deception and dangerous demeanor. However, it is difficult for humans to accurately detect and recognize these micro-expressions. Previous studies have shown that facial feedback signals are effective cues in macro-expression recognition. Can facial feedback also be an effective signal in micro-expression recognition? In the present study, we investigated the effects of facial feedback on micro-expression recognition by conducting two behavioral experiments. In these two behavioral experiments, a gel composed ofpolyvinyl alcohol and polyvinylpyrrolidone was applied to participants' full face in order to enhance the facial feedback signals, whereas participants in the control condition had to apply the gel to their non-dominate inner arm. Results of a pilot study showed that the gel manipulation could amplify facial feedback signals by preserving the initiation of muscular movements but increasing the skin resistance to these movements. In experiment 1, we investigated the effects of amplifying facial feedback on the recognition of intense micro- expressions. In this experiment, participants had to finish two behavioral tasks: the micro-expression recognition task and the working memory task. In the micro-expression recognition task, the micro-expressions were presented by employing the JACBART paradigm, in which micro-expressions (lasted for 50ms, 150ms, or 333ms) were sandwiched between the first two presentations of the same expresser's neutral faces. Those facial expressions were selected from the NimStim facial expression database. Those facial expressions were also shown to be high in the intensity level of facial expressions in another pilot study. The recognition accuracy was recorded in the micro-expressio
Journal of Psychological Science
facial feedback, micro-expresssion, micro-expression recognition