基于地理分布点和环境变量数据,利用MaxEnt模型(Maximum Entropy Modeling)对二郎山廊道大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca栖息地适宜度进行综合评价:坡度、坡向和干扰距离的综合贡献值分别为53.00%、21.90%和18.00%,累积贡献率达92.90%,是影响该区域大熊猫分布的主要生态因子。使用自然断点法将大熊猫栖息地分为不适宜、潜在、适宜和最适宜栖息地4种类型:不适宜栖息地面积为168.45 km^2,占研究区域面积的39.02%;潜在栖息地面积为212.71 km^2,占研究区域面积的49.28%;适宜栖息地和最适宜栖息地面积分别为49.79 km^2和0.68 km^2,两者仅占研究区域面积的11.70%。建议在该廊道开展大熊猫栖息地人工修复项目,以增加该地大熊猫的适宜栖息地面积;同时尽可能减少人类活动对大熊猫栖息地的干扰,以便廊道在促进各种群之间的基因交流中更好地发挥作用。
The establishment of corridors can offset the negative effects of habitat fragmentation by connecting isolated habitat patches. Habitat quality evaluation is the basis for making scientific conservation measures and enhancing protection efficacy for the endangered wildlife. A predictive habitat distribution map of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) was esti- mated using the Maximum Entropy Modeling (MaxEnt) with a total of 83 recorded points of occurrence and 5 types environ- mental factors in Erlangshan Panda Corridor which is the critical area that connected the giant panda habitats of Qionglai Mountains and Xiangling Mountains in Sichuan province, with "area under receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve) " of 0. 997 for training data. The natural breaks (Jenks) were applied to determine the threshold value for habitat classification in the MaxEnt. The habitat was divided into 4 classes including unsuitable, potential, and suitable and the op- timum habitat. Our results showed that the area of the unsuitable habitat was 168. 45 km2, potential habitat was 212. 71 km2, suitable habitat was 49. 79 kmZand the most suitable habitat was 0. 68 km2, accounting for 39. 02%, 49.28%, 11.54% and 0. 16% of the total area of Erlangshan Panda Corridor, respectively. For effective protection of giant pandas in this area, two aspects should be strengthened : ( 1 ) increasing the area of the suitable habitat through artificial afforestation, and (2) re- ducing human disturbances to the habitat.
Sichuan Journal of Zoology