为提高乡村综合景观,合理开发景观资源,采用AVC(Attraction Vitality Capacity)理论、专家咨询法设置、筛选乡村景观评价指标,运用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)确定权重,从乡村景观及旅游吸引力、生命力和承载力这3个角度,对福建省长汀县张地村乡村景观进行了综合评价。结果表明:项目层乡村社会吸引力权重最高(0.6250),其因素层权重值较高的3个指标分别是植物资源丰富度(0.1699)、民居建筑(0.1346)和景观季节特色(0.1201),具备发展乡村旅游的潜力和条件,而区位条件(0.0770)成为发展乡村旅游的限制因素;项目层乡村经济生命力(0.2385)较低,其因素层社会经济(0.6667)发展情况良好,产业结构(0.3333)也较完善;乡村承载力(0.1365)权重最低,由于其乡村旅游业处于发展初期,暂无生态承载力超负荷现象。
In order to improve the rural comprehensive landscape,and rational development of landscape resources,by using AVC(Attraction Vitality Capacity)theory,and adopted expert consultation method for setting and screening evaluation index,AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)was used to determine the weight of index factors,comprehensive index method was applied to calculate the value of each index score,obtain the attraction evaluation value,the vitality evaluation value and the capacity evaluation value of the comprehensive rural landscape.The results demonstrated as follow:(1)the attraction of the Zhangdi Village was the highest(0.5388),its high factors included the plant resource degree(0.1699),residential architecture(0.1346)and landscape seasons(0.1201),which had the potential and condition for the development of rural tourism.However,the regional location(0.0770)was the limiting factor in the development of rural tourism;(2)the economic capacity of the project(0.2385)was lower,its social and economic(0.6667)development well on the factor level,industrial structure(0.3333)was more perfect as well;(3)the rural carrying capacity(0.1365)was the lowest on the project level,because of its rural tourism was at initial stage,there was no overload phenomenon in ecological carrying capacity.