随着信息时代的发展,商业秘密在市场竞争中的作用愈发重要,美国2016年5月11日正式通过了《2016商业秘密保护法案》(Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016,简称DTSA),进行商业秘密的统一立法与制度创新,提高商业秘密保护的力度。本文拟通过对美国最新立法的介绍与阐释,探究其对我国商业秘密保护路径及规则完善的借鉴作用,建议我国现阶段在《反不正当竞争法》框架下引入禁令救济、惩罚性赔偿等制度强化对商业秘密的保护。
As trade secrets become increasingly important in the market competition, the United States passed 2016 Defend Trade Secrets Act(DTSA) on May 11,2016,for the unification of legislation and system innovation to offer more protection of trade secrets. This article starts with the introduction of DTSA, explores the way of trade secrets protection and specific rules, trying to introduce punitive damages and injunction relief and other regulations under the framework of Anti Unfair Competition Law at the present stage.
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