Oilfield stimulation programming can improve investment structure of stimulation measure and increase economic effects, accordingly, the object function and constraint condition are established and an improved multiple objective optimization algorithm is proposed. Because repeated NSGS-II individuals don’t dominate each other, they may be copied to the next generation, therefore, this paper proposes a method of copying duplicate individuals to the next generation according to a certain size to ensure the convergence and improve the population diversity. According to strong global search capability and weak local search capability, simplex method is proposed to assist NSGA-II algorithm for local search, meanwhile, by the consideration of the simplex method which designed for single target, the meaning of the search is successfully redefined, in addition, the simplex method is conducted without constraints, which can be fixed by solution space transformation and penalty function. A numerical example shows that this improved multiple objective genetic algorithm can provide good Pareto solution set, meanwhile, the relationship between oil stimulation and the cost can help oilfield decision makers macroscopic handle the maximum amount of oil stimulation at different investment scale and make a more rational decision.
Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development
stimulation measure
multiple objective programming
genetic algorithm