在龙首山成矿带小白芨芨沟-小青羊地段采用EH-4连续电导率仪与V8多功能电法仪进行不同点距AMT试验结果表明,两套仪器对马路沟及其次级断裂的探测结果均反映明显,其电性特征表现为反演电阻率等值线密集带、舌状低阻带。从不同点距试验结果来看,10、20 m点距探测精度高,反映效果明显好于50m点距;从不同仪器试验结果来看,EH-4连续电导率仪与V8多功能电法仪的测量结果均能客观地反映地下地质体的电阻率分布规律,与地质剖面具有较好的对应关系,均可投入该地区的生产应用。但EH-4连续电导率仪轻便、单点生产效率高,测量结果对断裂构造的分辨能力更好,特别是中浅层的分辨效果。
AMT comparison experiment with different dot pitch between EH-4continuous conductivity instrument and V8 multi-function electric device was carried out in Xiaobaijijigou-Xiaoqingyang area of Longshoushan metallogenic belt.The result shew that both the two instrument can obviously reflect the Malugou fault and its secondary fault,the electrical characteristics shew as the belt of densely contour and tongue-like low resistance belt.In the measurement results of different dot pitch,detection accuracy of 10 m,20mdot pitch is high and much better than 50m;in the measurement results with different instruments,both can reflect the geologic bodys resistivity distribution pattern objectively and solve the same geological problems.But EH-4 has high production efficiency of single point continuous conductivity,reasonable band design,better resolution of shallow fracture.
Uranium Geology