目的了解妊娠早期胎儿心脏轴检查对先天性心脏病的检出意义。方法 159例早期妊娠(11~14周)孕妇行胎儿心脏超声检查,比较心脏病组(n=47)和对照组(n=112)胎儿心脏轴、颈项透明层增厚、三尖瓣返流和静脉导管血液倒流等指标的差异。结果心脏病组孕妇的胎儿心脏轴正常者明显少于对照组(P〈0.01),而左偏、右偏和不能测量者均比对照组高(P〈0.05或0.01)。对圆锥动脉干畸形、单心室类心脏病和两种以上心脏病的胎儿,心脏轴异常发生率比颈项透明层增厚、三尖瓣返流和静脉导管血液倒流等发生率均高(P〈0.05或0.01)。结论妊娠早期胎儿心脏轴测量有利于检出先天性心脏病。
Objective To investigate the significance of fetal heart axis for congenital heart disease (CHD) during early pregnancy. Methods A total of 159 cases pregnant women with gestational age of 11-14 weeks underwent fetal echocardio- graphy. Fetal cardiac axis, nuchal translucency thickness, tricuspid regurgitation and reverse blood flow of venous duct were compared between CHD (n=47) and control (n=112) groups. Results Compared with control group, normal cardiac axis was decreased (P〈0.01), while left/right axis deviation and unidentified cardiac axis were increased in CHD group (P〈0.01 or 0.05). The incidence of abnormal cardiac axis was higher in contruncal defects, univentricular hearts and multiple cardiac defects than that of increased nuchal translucency, tricuspid regurgitation and reverse blood flow of venous duct (P〈0.01 or 0.05). Conclusion The fetal heart axis measurement is helpful for detection of CHD during early pregnancy.
Journal of Guangdong Medical College
cardiac axis
congenital heart disease
early pregnancy