This work is focused on "patient-oriented care", which belongs to modem style of health care including nursing. Such health care emphasises holistic approach with focus on communication, partnership, ethic aspects of human interactions and which supports active collaboration between the patient and also his/her family and the nursing staff. In Czech scientific literature the term "patient-oriented care" is rarely encountered. Single given definition found for this topic was present in legal norm bulletin The Concept of Czech Nursing [1] which was however defined as care focused on patient problems not on care connected treatments. International literature had therefore to be addressed. Question remains whether patient-oriented care is even possible in practice when it is basically omitted from Czech scientific literature. The aim of this research was to define the term "patient-oriented care" based on historical point of view, its characteristics and sources from Czech and international literature and try and apply such care in new nursing methods of approach. This research was conducted on theoretical level. Method of analysing review documents and analytically comparative approach were applied. The total 83 scientific publications were analysed with 55 reviews, 22 articles and 6 virtual sources. The area of interest was defined to include forms of application of patient-oriented care in nursing history, the characteristics of patient-oriented care in Czech and international literature, necessary conditions for successful use of patient-oriented care and novel methods of approaching patient-oriented care. We found that contrary to the Czech Republic US has established patient-oriented care as one of the pivotal research subjects onto which much interest is focused and which is frequently being published. There is an established project in Austria focused on implementation of the concept of patient-oriented care into public health care. In the Czech Republic this term is only mentioned in the legislat