福建省长汀县是中国南方最严重的水土流失区之一,在20世纪80年代初和2000年两次集中治理的推动下,当地生态环境已得到显著改善。基于Landsat系列卫星影像提取长汀县1975—2013年共6期植被覆盖度分布图,分析该区在不同时期植被覆盖度及其空间格局的时空动态,并探讨人类干扰与政策治理对植被覆盖度及景观格局的影响。结果表明:(1)近38年来,长汀县平均植被覆盖度由47.02%(1975)提升至71.47%(2013),在覆盖度结构上逐渐形成以中高和高植被覆盖度占主导的格局;县域中部河田盆地的植被覆盖度由30.83%(1975)提升至60.34%(2013)。(2)在景观格局上,研究期间长汀县极低、低和中低覆盖度斑块平均面积呈波动下降趋势、同时斑块密度增加,而中高、高植被覆盖度区域面积扩大,表明封禁、造林等治理措施导致植被覆盖度较高的区域不断汇聚成片。(3)植被覆盖度的提升在空间上主要集中在海拔600 m和坡度25°以下区域,尤其在海拔400—600 m和坡度5°—15°区域最显著,表明植被的破坏和恢复过程与人类活动的联系密切。(4)空间分析表明,在距离农户居民地边缘1.2 km的范围内,越接近居民地中心的区域植被覆盖度越低、破碎度越大且恢复缓慢,但这种空间差异伴随治理进行正在逐步减弱。总体上看,长汀县生态治理和人类干扰的长期驱动影响,其恢复速度在不断提升。
Changting In China, the area of red soil in South China in second only to the loess plateau in terms of area of soil erosion. County in Fujian Province suffers the most serious water and soil erosion where its forest vegetation has been seriously damaged 1980s and 2000s. Intensive large-scale measures to control erosion have been conducted twice in this area during the early Driven by both of the control measures and social and economic policies, the ecological environment there has been improved significantly and Changting has become a typical example of soil erosion control in China. Based on Landsat satellite images, this study extracted 6 vegetation fraction distribution maps from 1975 to 2013, and analyzed the variation in vegetation cover and landscape pattern 2013. The different terrain characteristics (such during three major periods: 1975--1989, 1989--2000, and 2000-- as height and slope) and distances from residential areas were also extracted. The results showed the following. (1) The average vegetation coverage of Changting County increased from 47.02% in 1975 to 71.47% in 2013, and the structure of vegetation coverage has been transformed into one dominated by medium-high and high coverage. In the middle of the county, vegetation coverage in the Hetian basin and its vicinity rose from 30.83% in 1975 to 60.34% in 2013. Widely and contiguously distributed forests with low cover in the basin have been replaced by a higher coverage of coniferous forest patches. With the implementation of soil erosion control measures, the vegetation cover of the Hetian basin increased by 8.47% and 13.81%, respectively, from 1975 to 1989 and 2000 to 2013. (2) With regards to the areas of the low, and moderately low level vegetation cover in patch density increased. In contrast, the area with moderately during the two intensive control period landscape pattern of the vegetation cover, the average patch Changting County showed a trend of falling variability, and high and high cover has shown greater volatility
Acta Ecologica Sinica
eroded red soil area
Changting management and the long-term effects
vegetation cover
ecological restoration
human activity