In order to realize recognition and orientation of target, an information fusion method of visual sensor and sonar sensor is pro posed. Taking threshold segmentation based on HSV color space, morphological filtering and Hu contour moment invariants to identify target and get its image coordinate of center of gravity point. The Monocular Vision Location Model is established, the distance between the tar get and the robot is obtained by ultrasonic sensor, the parameters of camera are calibrated by employing Zhang' s algorithm. The coordinates of the object in the world coordinate system are obtained by coordinate transformation using the data from the steps above, to realize the localization. Therefore, with the platform of NAO robot, presenting a comparative experiment of the localization methods based on information fusion and the ones based on normal single frame image. The experimental results show that the error of the proposed method is relatively small, and the three--dimensional information of the object is accessible, verifying the practical feasibility of the proposed localization method.
Computer Measurement &Control
information fusion
recognition and loealization
image processing
NAO robot