采用野外调查法结合实验室分析法对海口市郊区蔬菜土壤重金属含量特征进行研究,测定了Cr、As、Cd、Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni、和Hg 8种重金属全量、有效态含量及蔬菜土壤pH值和有机质含量,重金属全量与有效态含量间的相关性及土壤pH值,有机质含量与蔬菜土壤中重金属全量间的相关性。结果表明,海口市蔬菜土壤中各种重金属均表现出一定的累积趋势;8种重金属元素有效态含量与全量呈正相关,重金属有效态占全量比例在1.86%~13.47%之间,其中Cd、Pb和Hg较高,分别为13.47%、10.23%和8.42%,三者表现出较大的潜在污染风险;土壤p H值和有机质含量与重金属全量表现出一定的相关性,相关性大小与重金属种类有关;重金属全量并不能全面正确评价土壤的环境效应,对蔬菜土壤重金属污染程度进行评价时,应把重金属全量、有效态含量与土壤基本理化性质结合起来进行研究。
In this paper, the characteristics of heavy metal contents in vegetable growing soils in the suburb areas of Haikou was investigated by field survey and laboratory analysis. The total content and available content of 8 heavy metals including Cr, As, Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni and Hg, p H value and organic matter content in the soils were determined. The correlation between the total content and available content of heavy metals as well as the correlation between soil p H value, organic matter content and the total content of heavy metals in the vegetable growing soils were analyzed. The results showed that all kinds of heavy metals appeared with a certain accumulated trend. The total content of all the heavy metals was positively correlated with the available content. The available content of heavy metals accounted for 1.86%~13.47% of the total, and that of Cd, Pb and Hg was higher as 13.47%, 10.23% and 8.42% respectively, indicating greater risk of potential pollution. A certain correlation was shown between soil p H, organic matter content and the total content and varied with the kinds of heavy metals. The total content of heavy metals could not be used for overall correct evaluation of the soil environmental effects. When evaluation of pollution levels of heavy metals in the vegetable growing soils was performed, the total content and available content of heavy metals as well as basic soil physical and chemical properties should be studied in an integrative way.
Environmental Protection Science
Heavy Metal
Vegetable Growing Soil
Single Leaching Method