
婴幼儿配方乳粉的设计及其体外消化 被引量:1

Development and in vitro Digestibility of Infant and Follow-up Formula Milk Powder
摘要 根据母乳中各宏量营养素的特点,通过调节配方乳粉中蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物的含量,设计了适合我国婴幼儿食用的配方乳粉,并对该配方乳粉进行了体外消化实验,以考察该配方乳粉配方设计的合理性。结果表明:配方乳粉中各宏量营养素含量均符合国内外标准要求,能满足婴幼儿对宏量营养素的需求。该配方乳粉总消化率在88%左右,优于市售配方乳粉和羊乳粉,且在酶含量提高的情况下,该配方乳粉蛋白质消化率可达95%,表明该配方乳粉配比合理,利于婴幼儿消化吸收。 According to the characteristics of macronutrients in breast milk,infant and follow-up formula milk powder was developed suitable for Chinese infants and babies by adjusting the contents of protein,fat and carbohydrate in milk powder and the rationality of this design was evaluated using in vitro digestibility tests.The results showed the content of each macronutrient in the formula milk powder was in accord with the requirements of Chinese and international standards and could meet macronutrient needs of infants and babies.The total in vitro digestibility of proteins approximately was 88%in the formula milk powder,which was higher than that of commercial infant formula and goat milk powder,and it was increased to 95%by increasing enzyme levels.Therefore,the formula milk powder had a reasonable nutritional profile and could be easily be digested and absorbed by infants.
作者 吴学志 刘洋 章肇敏 曾晓龙 熊文英 王程 WU Xuezhi LIU Yang ZHANG Zhaomin ZENG Xiaolong XIONG Wenying WANG Cheng(Jiangxi JinBoJin Eco-technology Co. Ltd., Gao'an 330812, China JinBoJin Institute of Nutrition, Nanchang 330003, China)
出处 《乳业科学与技术》 2016年第5期19-24,共6页 JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
关键词 婴幼儿配方乳粉 宏量营养素 配方设计 体外消化 infant and follow-up formula milk powder macronutrient formulation in design in vitro digestibility
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