
电脑游戏哲学研究综论:背景、现状与展望 被引量:2

The Research Overview of the Philosophy of Computer Games:Background,Current Situation and Outlook
摘要 电脑游戏包含玩家、游戏的软件和硬件等诸要素,它可以模拟玩家的现实生活。电脑游戏哲学就是对电脑游戏及其相关现象进行哲学分析、理解,并利用所得成果对传统技术哲学问题进行解释的理论。其兴起有着深刻的理论根源与现实的必然性。沿着叙事学和游戏学这两条经典路径,考察了当前电脑游戏哲学的研究现状。目前的研究存在着诸如缺乏学科独立性、独有的方法论、预测和指导能力等不足。今后应建立健全电脑游戏哲学学科范式,从哲学高度对其进行论证和说明,以及注重研究电脑游戏在现实中的应用问题。 Computer games contains players, the software and hardware of the games and can simulate the real lives of the players. The philosophy of com- puter games is the theory that analyzes and understands the computer games and its related phenomena which have this meanings and explains the tradi- tional philosophical problems using the achievements which have already had. The rising of the philosophy of computer games has profoundly theoretical source and practical inevitability. Along the classical narratalogical and ludological routes, we investigate the current situation of the philosophy of comput- er games. The current researches have some limitations, like lacking disciplinary independence, particular methodology, the predictive and instruct ability and so on. So in the future we should establish and improve the disciplinary paradigm, argue and illustrate it from the level of philosophy and lay emphasis on the application of computer games in reality.
作者 吴一迪
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期31-36,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金"技术创新的实践哲学研究"(16BZX025)
关键词 电脑游戏哲学 电脑游戏 游戏学 玩家 技术哲学 the philosophy of computer games computer games Ludology players the philosophy of technology
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