同步感应线圈发射器(Synchronous Induction Coil launcher,SICL)具有驱动线圈与发射载荷无机械接触、推力大,适合发射大质量物体等特点,具有良好的军事应用前景。在电磁发射过程中,SICL的驱动线圈将产生脉冲强电磁场,当磁场强度超过某一阈值时,会干扰发射载荷及周围的电子设备的正常工作,甚至使其损坏。文章分析了SICL的工作原理,建立了其电磁场的数学模型;编制仿真程序分析了SICL的电磁发射过程,得到了放电回路的电流波形、SICL电磁场的强度及分布规律;利用搭建的电磁发射系统,进行了电磁发射实验,测量了SICL的磁场分布,对比仿真结果与实验数据,结果表明:仿真结果正确可信,研究结论对SICL的结构设计和工程发展具有一定的理论指导意义和参考使用价值。
Synchronous induction coil launcher (SICL), having a good military application prospect, is taken widely atten- tion with no mechanical contact between drive coil and armature, high thrust, appropriate for launching heavy loads. The electromagnetic interference (EMI) which is generated by high EM field on launching load and the surrounding electronic instruments will affect their normal operation and the electronic instruments will be damaged them when the magnetic filed intensity going beyond the limit. So the magnetic field of SICL should be studied. The transient pulsed current and the EM field of coil launcher and launching load were obtained by modeling and simulation of SICL with simulation software. By using the experimental system, the measured pulsed current value and the magnetic induction intensity value of SICL were got, which were close to the simulation results. So it is showed that the simulation results were reliable and the conclusion could provide theoretical direction and reference value for research on the structure design and engineering application of SICL.
Journal of Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University