"Pockets of Local Order"(POLO) is one of the most important concepts in time-geography, which were put forward by Swedish geographer Torsten Hagerstrand in English since 1970s. It elaborated the com- plexity of human activities and its underlining of social rules. Hagerstrand thought that the temporal rhythm and spatial pattern of human activity is not entirely haphazard. There must be certain rules to follow. That is the "local order". In order to carry out any project smoothly, actors need to occupy space and to consume cer- tain amount of time which are sufficiently free from encroachment. That is the "space-time pocket", where a local order can be maintained. It depicted how different resources were arranged and stored up to fulfil the projects. So in his view, researchers should first designate a meaningful geographical district with a definite spatial boarder, and then observe the orders operating in it and how different actors perform in the same di- orama. This article aims to introduce these new developments of POLO. With existing case studies, this arti- cle tries to show how local orders at different geographical and temporal scales nested together to impact on individual and organizational projects and paths. We introduced the examples of local order in the valley where Hagerstrand lived in during his childhood and the relation between daily household programmes and the local order of the factory viewed in a long-term perspective to show the orders at macro scale. And by an- alyzing the elementary events in milking cows and the resources used for performing the activities for milking, and when and in what order they are used, we try to explain the local orders at micro scale.
Human Geography