目的通过对DBS 44/001-2011《广东省食品安全地方标准饮用天然山泉水》执行情况进行跟踪调研,收集、汇总标准的应用情况以及在实施过程中遇到的问题,进行统计分析并作出评估,为该《标准》的修订工作提供科学依据。方法采用问卷调查、指标验证和标准比对的方法,对标准实施情况进行统计分析。结果标准的整体框架设置合理,无需增加新的章节内容;大多数标准条文的重要性高,实施的难易程度容易或一般,重要性低且实施困难的标准条文主要集中在技术要求中的微生物指标中;指标验证结果显示标准指标设置相对科学合理;标准比对结果显示部分技术指标需作进一步修订。结论随着生产技术的发展和相关国家标准的颁布,根据标准的科学性、适宜性和可操作性要求,该《标准》也应根据实际情况作相应的修订调整,避免出现标准滞后的现象。
Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of DBS44/001-2011 Local Food Safety Standard of Guangdong Province: Natural Spring Water, providing a scientific basis for the revision of this standard. The investigation and research were carried out, the data were collected, analyzed and assessed, as well as summaried the problems existing in the implementation of the standards. Methods Data on the questionnaire surveies, the experiments of verification indicators and the comporations between the two relevant standards, were collected and analyzed by statistical methodology. Results It seems unneccessary for adding any new contents of the standard, as the overall framework of the standard set rationally. Also, data showed most of the provisions were important, either easy or normal for conducting the standard. Whereas, the relative less importance of the implementation with difficulties of the standard provisions focused on the technical requirements of the microbiological indicators. The results of the experiments of verification indicators showed that the indicators of the standard setted relatively scientific and reasonable. In addition, some contents of the technical indicators need to be revised. Conclusion According to scientific, feasibility and operability of the requirements for the standards,with the development of production technology and the promulgation of the relevant national standards, this standard should be revised timely to avoid hysteresis.
Chinese Journal of Health Inspection