The rare GlcNH3+ residues implicated in important cellbiological and patho-physiological phenomena are also now particularly hot subjects in the pharmaceutical industry. Recently its tumour invasion and metastasis has raised interest. However, it is difficult to prepare naturally-occuring, because of their low abundance in GlcNH3 ^+- containing oligosaccharides from HS. Therefore, the ability to chemically generate a series of structurally-defined oligosaccharides containing GlcNH3+ residues would greatly contribute to investigating their natural role in HS. In this study, heparin tetrasac- charides (dp4s) possessing one and two GlcNH^+ residues were prepared from partially de-N-sulfation of the fully sulfated dp4. Then the structure of dp4s was further detected by liquid chromatography-ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC/MS-IT-TOF). Two dp4s (dp4-1 and dp4-2) are obtained, in which dp4-1 with one GlcNH3^+ residue located in the central position, while dp4-2 with two GlcNH3^+ residues located in the central and reducing terminal positions.The results of extracted ion chromatogram (EIC) in LC/MS-IT-TOF system suggest that minor sulfate losses of the dp4s appear in MS ion source, but most of the samples maintain the original structure. which is helpful for determining the accurate molecular weight of heparin/HS oligosaccharides with GlcNH3^ + residues. MS and MS2 analysis show different fragmentation patterns of dp4s with different GlcNH3^+ residues using the same MS parameters. ^0.2X2 fragmentation near the non-reducing end of oligo-saccharide was only detected in dp4-1. Meanwhile,^1.5X2 ,^2.4 A4 and ^1.5 A4 fragmentations were only appeared in dp4-2. The dp4 with higher GlcNH3^+ residues revealed more cross-ring cleavage patterns,suggesting that higher positive charges might make the ring more fragile, presumably reflecting the markedly different conformations and chemical environments at these positions, which results in different dissociation of dp4s in MS. This prov
Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society