本文利用扫描电镜,对从内蒙古额济纳采集的胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)异形叶和在北京林业大学苗圃采集的胡杨异形叶近轴面和远轴面进行了对比观察,结果显示,两个地区的胡杨异形叶在表皮蜡质以及气孔形态方面存在很大差异,相比湿润条件(北京林业大学苗圃内),干旱条件下(内蒙古额济纳八道桥地区)的胡杨阔叶表皮蜡质晶体融合成更多更厚的蜡层,而长叶则具有更多的直立状鳞片状蜡质晶体,而且排列更为密集、有序.在相同干湿条件下,阔叶表皮蜡质晶体融合程度比长叶表皮蜡质晶体融合程度更高,厚度更大.叶型相同时,干旱情况下气孔密度较大;同一地区,阔叶比长叶气孔密度大,相同叶片类型的远轴面比近轴面气孔密度大.另外,两个地区的气孔密度和形态也存在很大区别,体现了胡杨对干旱的适应性.
Cuticle wax crystallization and stoma morphology of lanceolate and broad-ovate leaves of Populus euphratica Olive between Ejina area in Inner Mongolia and Seedling nursery of Beijing For- estry University was studied by scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ). The results showed that : lan- ceolate leaves and broad-ovate leaves of P. euphratica both have flattened crystals on the leaf sur- face, including both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces. On the adaxial surface of plants growing in the Seedling nursery of Beijing Forestry University, wax crystals are oriented upright, with most flat crys- tals projecting perpendicular to the surface, while some regions of broad-ovate leaf surface crystals are covered by a more amorphous wax layer. At the drier Eighth-bridge location,lanceolate leaf sur- faces produced a deposition of wax plate-like structures, with a lower density of crystals, while broad- ovate leaf surfaces were covered by a thickened amorphous wax layer. Compared to the adaxial sur- faces of broad-ovate leaves, we observed a very similar crystalline structure and arrangement on abax- ial surface, except there appeared a slightly thicker wax layer covered. Stomatal density and mor- phology are also various form both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of lanceolate leaves and broad-ovate leaves in the two area.
Journal of Minzu University of China(Natural Sciences Edition)
Populus euphratica Olive
epicuticular wax
stoma morphology