采用混凝气浮/水解酸化/好氧生化的组合工艺处理以分散染料为主的印染废水,工程运行结果表明:进水CODCr≤1 200 mg/L,SS≤200 mg/L,色度≤400倍,处理后出水CODCr≤200 mg/L,SS≤30 mg/L,色度≤20倍,达到《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 4287—2012)及其修改单中的相关要求,同时达到当地环保要求50%的回用目标。
Dyeing wastewater is treated by the combined process of coagulation flotation, hydrolytic acidification and aerobic biochemistry. The operation results show that at the qualities of water inlets with CODc,≤ 1 200 mg/L, SS (suspended solids) ≤200 mg/L and chrominance ≤400 times, the water outlets feature CODcr≤200 mg/L, SS≤30 mg/L and chrominance ≤20 times, which can meet the requirement of discharge standards of water pollutants for dyeing and finishing of textile industry and modification list, meanwhile, the wastewater reuse rate achieves the50% goal of local environmental requirements.
China Dyeing and Finishing