利用红外热成像技术观察830 nm微激光治疗背肌筋膜炎的疗效。采用自主研发的半导体激光光灸仪(波长为830 nm,功率密度0.335 W/cm^2)对13例背肌筋膜炎患者的肌筋膜扳机点(MTrPs)、养老穴和承山穴进行光灸,每次4 min,每周3次,共治疗4周;用红外热像仪分别在首次、第7次和末次光灸前后对患者上背部采集图像,对MTrPs进行压痛阈值(PPT)的测定并进行VAS评分,对所得数值进行分析。在光灸6次、末次后患者VAS数值与治疗前相比均有显著性降低(P≤0.001);而治疗6次后有6个、末次治疗后有4个感兴趣区(ROIs)与治疗前相比PPT数值显著降低(P≤0.05)。红外热成像结果显示,首次、第七次和末次光灸后患者ROIs温度与相应部位治疗前相比均有增加,部分增高显著(P≤0.05);但整个疗程结束后,上背部ROIs温度与首次治疗前相比未见显著变化,红外热成像数值与PPT数值也未见显著相关。830 nm微激光光灸治疗背肌筋膜炎疗效确切,但红外热成像技术用于微激光光灸治疗背肌筋膜炎累积疗效评价尚缺乏有力证据。
To observe the effect of 830 nm semiconductor low-level laser on the patients with upper back myofascitis by means of infrared thermographic imaging and pressure pain threshold( PPT). Semiconductor laser therapeutic apparatus invented by our research team were used to treat 13 patients with upper back myofascitis at myofascial trigger points( MTr Ps),Yanglao point( SI6),Chengshan point( BL57) bilaterally for 4 min every time,3 times per week and the whole therapy course was 4 weeks. 6 images of upper back were collected by infrared thermographic imaging apparatus in each patients before and after the first,seventh and last time laser therapy,at the same time,the PPT of regions of interests( ROIs) of MTr Ps in patients were also measured by algometry and the score of VAS were evaluated. Then the images were analyzed by software Smartview 3. 11 image analysis system while the data of images and PPT were analyzed by PASW statistics 18. 0 software. The comparison of the data before and after laser therapy were analyzed by paired-samples T Test. Both after 6 and 12 times laser therapy,the score of VAS reduced significantly( P≤0. 001); After 6 times laser therapy,PPT of MTr Ps in 6 of 8 ROIs reduced significantly while after 12 times laser therapy,4 of 8 ROIs reduced significantly. According to the infrared thermographic imaging,after the first,seventh and last time laser therapy,the temperature of ROIs of MTr Ps increased compared with their values before laser therapy of this time,some of ROIs increased significantly( P≤0. 05). But after the whole treatment course,the temperature of ROIs did not change significantly and had no significant correlation with PPT of ROIs. 830 nm low-level therapy was an effective method for upper back myofascitis,but there was few powerful evidence to support the infrared thermographic imaging to evaluate the overall effect of low-level therapy on upper back myofascitis.
Acta Laser Biology Sinica
low-level laser
back myofascitis
infrared thermographic imaging
myofascial trigger point
presser pain threshold