主要阐述了开关量电路模块的自动化测试系统设计方法,通过计算机控制S3C2410开发板和安捷伦测试设备,实现开关量电路模块的测试任务。测试系统软件可分为两部分,上位机软件采用Visual C++编写,结构模式是COM架构,执行多进程多任务;下位机软件采用ANSI C编写,执行单进程单任务。测试系统硬件部分包括ARM920T处理器、电压转换模块、译码模块、驱动模块和继电器矩阵。
This article describes a design method of the automation test system for switch input electric module. The computer is used to control S3C2410 development board and AgilentTM test devices to implement the test task of switch input electric module. The test systems software can be divided into two parts, the software running on computer compiled by Visual C++ with COM architecture and implementing multiprocess and multitask, and the software running on ARM compiled by ANSI C and implementing singleton process and singleton task. The test systems hardware includes ARM920T processor, voltage conversion module, decode module, drive module and relay matrix.