为了解决在恶劣自然条件及复杂电磁环境中的通信问题,提出了一种以红外线为载体实现信息实时传输的解决方案。该系统主要由STM32F103控制模块、红外收发模块、音频调理及温度采集模块等组成。采用脉冲宽度调制对采集到的数字信号进行信道编码,并通过增大发射管的瞬时功率来提高信噪比,从而延长传输距离。测试结果表明:该系统最大通信速率为80 kbit/s;噪声电压小于5 m V;温度误差小于1℃;温度响应时间小于1 s。
For the communication problems in poor natural condition and complicated electromagnetic environment, a solu- tion scheme to realize the real-time transmission via infrared technology is presented. The system is mainly composed of STM32F103, infrared transceiver module, audio conditioning module and temperature acquisition module. To enhance sig- nal to noise radio (SNR) and extending transmission distance, the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) sampled digital signal encoding method and increasing the instantaneous power of launch tubes are used. The experiment indicates that communi- cation rate attain 80 kbit/s, noise voltage withstand 5 mV, temperature accuracy is 1℃ and response time of temperature is less than 1 s
Audio Engineering