
改善高密度城市区域通风的城市形态优化策略研究--以香港新界大埔墟为例 被引量:21

Urban Ventilation Strategies for Micro Climate Improvement in Subtropical High-density Cities: A Case Study of Tai Po Market in Hong Kong
摘要 高速的城市化进程,改变了城市的地表材质和空间结构,引发城市气候的改变。我国众多城市呈现升温趋势,夏季高温问题尤为严峻。研究证实,促进区域通风是改善亚热带高温高湿夏季条件下人体舒适度的最有效方法之一。基于改善城市夏季气候条件并保障城市环境健康的目的,本文选取香港新界大埔墟地区为例,探讨如何通过促进夏季通风,改善区域微气候条件,为亚热带高密度城市的可持续规划以及区域城市更新提供思路参考。首先,根据建筑平均高度及覆盖率,在大埔墟地区研究范围内划分多层高密度区、高层中密度区,以及开阔区三个区域类型,进行行人层高度的风环境分析;然后,基于上述分析,探讨如何通过城市用地置换、街区形态及建筑形态改造等策略改善区域通风条件,以达到缓解夏季高温的目的 ;最后,选取城市更新前后的经济技术指标、天空视域因子(SVF:Sky View Factor)以及行人层高度的风速(通过流体动力学模拟获得)三种类型参量进行量化比较,验证在高密度建设的前提下,通过优化城市形态达到改善区域夏季通风的可行性。 The process of urbanization has changed the surface properties and spatial structures of urban areas, and accordingly, induced urban climate change. A warming trend has been observed in many cities of China, associated with severe heat events in summer. Previous studies have found that improving air ventilation in one of the most effective methods to enhance thermal comfort under the hot and humid summer of subtropical cities. Aiming at improving urban microclimate and enhancing human thermal comfort, this paper develops urban regeneration strategies based on the case study of Tai Po Market in Hong Kong. Firstly, the three zones of Tai Po Market: compact mid-rise zone, open high-rise zone and sparsely built zone are defined and analyzed in the aspects of urban morphology and microclimate. Secondly, land use change, traffic reorganization and building transformation are recommended for solving the existing air ventilation problems in Tai Po Market. Finally, Economic and technical indexes, Sky View Factor, and wind speed at pedestrian level (based on computational fluid dynamics simulation results) are compared to verify the possibility of wind environment improvement through urban morphology optimization under the same density.
出处 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期68-75,共8页 Urban Planning International
基金 香港研究资助局研究项目“局地气候区划系统在高密度城市的应用--以香港为例”(RGC-ECS458413)
关键词 高密度区域 通风 高温高湿夏季 形态优化 量化评估 流体动力学模拟 High-density Areas Ventilation Hot and Humid Summer Morphological Optimization Quantitative Evaluation CFD Simulation
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