

On the Archetype of Town God in Yongning City and the Related Problems
摘要 清末民初的手抄件《永宁城隍庙》提出,永宁城隍神为宋文天祥,大体可信。理由如下:首先,文天祥是南宋抗元民族英雄,但其为"忠佑侯"不是洪武皇帝所"敕封"。其次,明弘治年间诏示,于庙中陪祀文天祥者,多为其眷属与抗元英雄。其三,明代,有四位在朝廷为官的晋江人为永宁城隍庙题赠匾额,使其声名远扬,其香火传播到石狮、台湾、安海等地。其四,永宁城隍曾于明嘉靖四十一年(1562年)倭寇陷城时与清顺治辛丑(1661年)迁界时两次移驾石狮,分别与永宁民间传说及石狮城隍庙《庙记》相符。 During the period of Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China,there was a manuscript,namely The Town God Temple in Yongning Cityin which the fact that the archetype of Town God in Yongning was the famous person Wen Tianxiang from Song Dynasty is written.It is believable for the following reasons.In the beginning,Wen Tianxiang is a national hero for resisting against the Yuan in the Dynasty of Nansong,but it′s not the Emperor Hongwu who conferred the title"Zhongyou Hou"upon him.Secondly,in the period of Hongzhi of Ming Dynasty,it′s proclaimed that most of the people who were honored in the temple for the accompaniship of Wen Tianxiang were his families and other national heroes against the Yuan.Thirdly,in Ming Dynasty,there were four officials who are from Jinjiang donated stele towards the Town God Temple in Yongning City,which made the fame of this temple broadcasting over Shishi,Taiwan,Anhai etc.Fourthly,The Town God in Yingning was migrated to Shishi for twice in the year 1562 which was 41 th year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty and in the year 1661 when the country was goverened by the Emperor Shunzhi in Qing Dynasty,these conform to the Yongning legend andthe Record of the Town God Templein Shishi.
作者 李天锡
机构地区 华侨大学
出处 《学术问题研究》 2016年第1期9-15,共7页 Academic Research(Integrated Edition)
关键词 永宁城隍 文天祥 配祀神祇 石狮渊源 the Town God in Yongning City Wen Tianxiang gods origins in Shishi
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