Video three- dimensional monitoring can improve the basketball players' jump shot motion precision.It needs to collect and analyze jump shot motion image from different angles during monitoring. Traditional monitoring method can only analyze jump shot motion from single angle,it cannot obtain complete video image and reduce the video 3D monitoring accuracy of basketball players' jump shot motion. In this paper,a 3D reconstruction method for jump shot motion is proposed based on modified KLT feature point. Firstly,the jump shot images with different angles are collected and the projection matrix of camera to acquire external parameters between cameras is built using the KLT feature point algorithm. Then the spatial point specific coordinate of jump shot motion is worked out corresponding to every image feature point. Finally,the 3D information is obtained according to the feature point 2D data of stress on articulation during the standing shot process in image sequence of single video,and the video 3D monitoring on jump shot motion is completed. The simulation results show that the algorithm mentioned above can build 3D model of basketball players' jump shot motion accurately and improve the motion precision.
Computer Simulation
Basketball player
Jump shot motion
3D monitoring