低辐射玻璃也称Low -E玻璃,为镀膜玻璃的-种,对波长范围4.5 - 25μm 的远红外线具有较高的反射比.基于此,针对有关低辐射玻璃的中国专利申请,从低辐射玻璃的结构组成、技术构成、技术功效等方面,对中国的低辐射玻璃产业进行分析.
Low emission coating glass which is also known as low -e coating glass, is one type of coating glass. Thelow -e glass has a high reflectivity of far infrared ray with wavelength range from 4.5μm to 25μm. Based on this, inview of China's patent applications related to low radiation glass, the low radiation glass industry in China was analyzed,from the aspects of the structure, technology and function of the low radiation glass.
Henan Science and Technology