
濒危植物秦岭石蝴蝶的生态学特性及濒危原因分析 被引量:7

Analyses on ecological characteristics and endangered reason of endangered plant Petrocosmea qinlingensis
摘要 通过野外调查和随机取样法, 对仅产于陕西勉县的中国特有濒危植物秦岭石蝴蝶( Petrocosmea qinlingensis W. T. Wang)群落的维管植物组成、 垂直结构和分布区类型及其种群特征和土壤化学性质进行了调查和分析;在此 基础上, 初步探讨了该种类的濒危原因.调查结果显示:秦岭石蝴蝶为喜阴植物, 仅分布于山体海拔约640 m 的区 域, 种群面积仅约42 m^2; 土壤为黄棕壤, 呈中性( pH 6. 5 0 ), 土壤中有机质含量较高, 全氮、 全磷和全钾含量较低, 有效铁、 有效镁、 有效钠和有效钙含量则较高;秦岭石蝴蝶种群中个体数量约1 0 0 0株, 多生长于覆有土壤或苔藓的岩 石上, 也有部分成年个体生长在裸露且瘠薄的岩石上.秦岭石蝴蝶群落中共有维管植物2 8种, 隶属于2 3科 2 8属; 其中, 蕨类植物3 科4 属4 种, 裸子植物1科 1 属 1 种, 被子植物1 9科2 3属2 3种, 优势科和优势属不明显.秦岭石蝴蝶群落垂直结构明显, 可分为乔木层、 灌木层和草本层, 其中, 乔木层优势种为杜仲( Eucommia ulmoides Oliver), 灌木层优势种为华西小石积(Osteomeles schwerinae Schneid.), 草本层优势种为裂叶荨麻( Urtica lobatfolia S. S. Ying).该群落维管植物科的分布型以热带分布型科为主, 其中泛热带分布型科占明显优势;属的分布型以温带分布型属为主, 其中北温带分布型属占优势; 中国特有分布的科和属均很少;总体上看, 该群落具有暖温带向亚热带 过渡的特点.在秦岭石蝴蝶种群的不同样方中, 成年个体和幼苗数量均有一定差异, 成年个体占14.6% - 3 7 . 5 %, 幼苗占61.3% -80.0%, 幼苗数量明显高于成年个体;各样方的单株叶片数为7 - 9 ,冠幅为6.0 -7.2 cm, 大多数样 方的单株结实量小于4,表明在同一个种群的不同生境中秦岭石蝴蝶的分布和生长状况有明显差异.根据调查结果, 推测种群规模较小、 分布范围狭窄以� By field survey and random sampling method, vascular plant composition, vertical structure and distribution type of community of Petrocosmea qinlingensis W. T. Wang, an endemic endangered species in China and only distributing in Mianxian County of Shaanxi Province, and its population characteristics and soil chemical property were investigated and analyzed. On this basis, endangered reason of P. qinlingensis was preliminarily discussed. The investigation results show that P. qinlingensis is shade-acclimated plant,and only distributes in the district of the mountain with altitude about 640 m. Area of P. qinlingensis population is only about 42 m^2. The soil is yellow brown soil and is neutral (pH 6.50) . Content of organic matter in soil is higher,contents of total nitrogen,total phosphorus and total potassium are lower, and contents of available iron, available magnesium, available sodium and available calcium are also higher. Number of individuals in P. qinlingensis population is about 1 0 0 0, most grow on the rock covered with soil or moss,and some adult individuals grow on naked and barren rock. There are 28 species of vascular plants in P. qinlingensis community, which belong to 28 genera in 23 families, in which, there are 4 species of pteridophyte belonging to 4 genera in 3 families, 1 species of gymnosperm belonging to 1 genus in 1 family, 23 species of angiosperm belonging to 23 genera in 19 families, and dominant families and genera are not obvious. Vertical structure of P. qinlingensis community is obvious and can be divided into arbor, shrub and herb layers, in which, Eucommia ulmoides Oliver is dominant species in arbor layer, Osteomeles schwerinae Schneid. is dominant species in shrub layer, and Urtica lobatifolia S. S. Ying is dominant species in herb layer. Distribution type of family of vascular plants in this community is mainly tropical distribution type family, in which, Pantropic family takes an obvious
作者 杨平 陆婷 邱志敬 陈朋 彭杨 谭小龙 YANG Ping LU Ting QIU Zhijing CHEN Peng PENG Yang TAN Xiaolong(Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052, China Key Laboratory of Southern Subtropical Plant Diversity, Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen & Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518004, China)
出处 《植物资源与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期90-95,共6页 Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31200159) 广东省科技计划项目(2013B060400008)
关键词 秦岭石蝴蝶 群落特征 种群特征 土壤化学性质 濒危原因 Petrocosmea qinlingensis W. T. Wang community characteristics populationcharacteristics soil chemical property endangered reason
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