
成都城镇生活垃圾特性及处理方案 被引量:9

Characteristics and treating method of municipal solid waste in Chengdu,China
摘要 为对成都市区、郊区和农村生活垃圾的处理处置提出有针对性的可行建议,研究了区域生活垃圾的物理组成、含水率、热值、肥效指标(有机质、TN、TP、TK、和C/N)和重金属污染等物化特性。结果表明:成都地区生活垃圾以厨余和塑料为主,郊区和农村灰土较多;混合垃圾均达到焚烧处理热值要求,市区垃圾低位热值最高(5 734~5 955 k J·kg^(-1))而郊区垃圾偏低(5 499~5 603 k J·kg^(-1));虽部分垃圾样品Cd、Hg和Cu浓度超过农用地土壤环境质量标准,但仍远低于城镇垃圾农用控制标准,并且可堆肥组份占垃圾总量的80%,肥效指标适宜农用。因此,在危废单独处理和可回收垃圾回收处理的前提下,结合成都垃圾焚烧厂建设情况,建议市区和焚烧厂所在郊区及周边农村的生活垃圾混合焚烧;近焚烧厂的8个郊区及周边农村的生活垃圾分为可堆肥垃圾(约80%)和其他垃圾(约17%),前者农用后者运收焚烧;远离焚烧厂的4个郊区及周边农村的生活垃圾以混合农用处理为主。 In order to provide feasible suggestions for the disposal of the urban,suburban,and rural domestic waste of Chengdu,this study investigated the physicochemical characteristics of domestic waste. These characteristics are physical composition,moisture content,calorific value,fertilizer efficiency indexes( including organic content,TN,TP,TK,and C/N ratio),and heavy metal content. The results showed that kitchen waste and plastics were the main components of the Chengdu domestic waste,with dust being one of the main components of the suburban and rural waste. All the mixed domestic waste of Chengdu area met the requirement for combustion;however,the calorific value of urban waste was the highest( 5 734 to 5 955 k J·kg-1),while that of suburban waste was the lowest( 5 499 to 5 603 k J·kg-1). Although the Cd,Hg,and Cu contents in some samples were above the quality standard of soil,they were still far below the waste control standard for agriculture. Furthermore,the component for compost accounted for approximately 80% of the entire volume of waste,and it was suitable for agriculture because of its good fertilizer efficiency indexes. As a result,based on disposing hazardous waste separately,recycling the suitable waste,and considering the construction situation and the position of waste incineration plants in Chengdu,various suggestions are provided. Urban waste and that of suburban incineration plants and the surrounding rural areas is mixed,and collected for combustion. The waste of eight suburban plants and the surrounding rural areas,adjacent to the incineration plants,is sorted as compost components. As regards the rest,the former( about 80%) is suitable for agriculture in the vicinity,and the latter( about 17%) is collected and transported for combustion. The waste of four suburban areas and the surrounding rural areas,far from the incineration plants,is mixed waste collected mainly for agriculture.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期5964-5970,共7页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 四川省教育厅青年项目(13ZB0291)
关键词 成都 郊区 生活垃圾处理处置 资源化利用 重金属污染 Chengdu suburban area disposal of domestic waste resource utilization heavy metal pollution
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