网络功能的多样化要求网络路由具有可变性,这对于传统网络管理来说是一个不小的挑战。SDN(software defined networking)技术的兴起给网络管理带来了新的思路。应用程序通过调用SDN控制器的北向接口操作控制器,使控制器通过其南向接口实现对交换设备(主要是流表)进行管理,从而改变网络路由、网络拓扑等,实现对网络的动态管理,文中提出的一种基于OpenFlow的网络流动态规划方案能很好地工作于教室型网络系统,稍加改动即可应用于其它功能型网络。
The diversity of network function requires the variablity of network routing,this is a not small challenge to the traditional network management which gains new ideas from the SDN( software defined networking). Application manipulate the SDN controller by calling its north interface,the controller controlls the switch device( mainly flow table) through its south interface,and then it results in changes of the network routing,network topology and so on,thus puts into the dynamic management of network.This paper puts forward a kind of network flow dynamic programming scheme based on Open Flow works well on the network system built in the classrooms,with little change it can be also applied to other functional networks.
Information Technology