以即墨市为研究对象,首先通过Arc GIS中的Arc Hydro水文数据模型提取DEM遥感数据,完成流域划分;然后把同一流域内各监测点的值进行加和平均计算,得到该流域的水质安全影响因子值;然后分别对各流域进行水质评价、水质健康风险评价及水质污染风险评价;再采用AHP模型,将无量纲处理后水质类别、水质健康风险及水质污染风险的值进行加权求和,得到各流域的水安全度;最后,结合水质安全的评价分析结果,提出流域水环境针对性及综合性管理措施。从对即墨市7个流域2011—2014年的水质安全评价结果上可以看出,周疃河流域、流浩河流域较好,稳定为Ⅲ级;五沽河流域、龙泉河流域与墨水河流域相对较差,持续为Ⅳ级;大沽河流域在2011—2012年为Ⅳ级,2013—2014年为Ⅲ级,水质安全状态趋于好转且稳定;桃源河流域在2011—2012年为Ⅲ级,2013—2014年为Ⅴ级,水质安全状态波动较大且变恶趋势未得到控制。
Based on the research object of Jimo City, firstly, the watersheds were extracted from the remote sensing data by the ArcGIS Hydro date model. Secondly, the values from all the monitoring stations within the same watershed were calculated by summing and averaging. Thirdly, water quality, water quality health risk and water pollution risk were evaluated respectively in each watershed. Fourthly, with the AHP model, the results of the previous steps were calculated by dimensionless processing, weighting and summing. Finally, the pertinent measures and comprehensive management measures were put forward by referring to the results of water quality security evaluation. Based on the evaluation results of water quality safety from 2011 to 2014, it was concluded that Zhoutuanhe watershed and Liuhaohe watershed were in good and steady state with the level of Ⅲ. The water quality safety of Wuguhe watershe, Longquanhe watershed and Moshuihe watershed was always lower than the level of IV. The level of Daguhe watershed was IV from 2011 to 2012 and Ⅲ from 2013 to 2014 with an improving tendency. The level of Taoyuanhe watershed was Ⅲ from 2011 to 2012 and V from 2013 to 2014 with a deteriorating tendency.
WANG Jin WANG Lin KANG Hui-min(Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Ecology Ministry of Education Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China Water Conservancy Bureau of Jimo,Qingdao 266200, China)
Urban Environment & Urban Ecology