
LED白光照射对黄瓜贮藏过程中品质的影响 被引量:11

Effect of LED on Storage Quality of Postharvest Cucumber
摘要 以"园丰元6号"黄瓜为试材,采用LED白色光照射处理及0.03mm PE膜包装袋包装,置于常温下贮藏,研究了LED白光照射对黄瓜贮藏过程中品质的影响,以期探究LED白光处理对黄瓜的保鲜效果。结果表明:LED白光处理可有效维持黄瓜的感官品质,延缓其水分损失,较好地延缓黄瓜维生素C含量等营养物质的降解;除此之外,还能够抑制丙二醛(MDA)含量的上升,推迟黄瓜的多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性高峰的到来。 'Yuanfeng No. 6'cucumber was used as material. Effect of LED on storage quality of postharvest cucumber by white LED and packed by 0. 03 mm PE film and stored at room temperature were studied, to determine the effect of white LED on quality and storage of cucumber. The results indicated that white LED kept sensory quality, delaying the increase in weight loss and degradation of vitamin C content. Moreover, white LED could inhibit increase of MDA content, and delay the peak of POD,PPO activities.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第19期156-159,共4页 Northern Horticulture
基金 国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系建设资助项目(CARS-25-E-01) 西北非耕地园艺作物生态高效生产技术研究与示范资助项目(201203095) 北京市农林科学院青年基金资助项目(201404)
关键词 LED 黄瓜 保鲜 LED cucumber preservation
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