
大道至简,悟在天成——评李纾著《决策心理:齐当别之道》 被引量:1

The Greatest Truths are Simplest and the Wise are Enlightened to Be——A Commentary on the Book“An Equate-to-Differentiate Way of Decision-Making”by LI Shu
摘要 人们如何做决策是世纪科学之问。在众多决策理论和模型中,齐当别理论作为一种非规范性理论以其对决策的独特解释和预测而显得尤为突出。该理论指出,人们的许多决策行为是在选项的诸多维度中进行差别判断,也即人们会齐同掉较小的维度差别而保留最大的维度差别,并依据后者做出最终决策。齐当别理论的提出者李纾研究员最近将其思想和研究成果撰写成著作《决策心理:齐当别之道》。在该书中,作者集合其在过去20多年间对该理论进行检验、求证与拓展的研究成果,精彩地展现了决策的齐当别之道,为决策研究提供了一条简洁而有效的法则。 The question of how to make decisions is a scientific investigation in the 21st century. Among many decision- making theories and models, the Equate-to-Differentiate theory as a descriptive approach makes itself salient in ex- plaining and predicting individuals' decision-making behavior. According to this theory, people have to "equate" less significant difference between prospects on either the best possible or the worst possible outcome dimension, thus leaving the greater one-dimensional difference to be differentiated as the determinant of the final choice. The proposer of the theory, Professor Shu Li, has recently compiled his ideas and findings into a book named An Equate- to-Differentiate Way of Decision-Making. In this book, the author has successfully demonstrated the scientific verifi- cation of the Equate-to-Differentiate theory in multiple fields of decision making. Moreover, the author has also de- veloped the Equate-to-Differentiate way to understand decision-making in practice, thus providing a simple but effi- cient rule to guide individuals' choice and decision.
作者 刘长江
出处 《心理技术与应用》 2016年第10期637-640,共4页 Psychology(Techniques and Applications)
关键词 决策 齐当别 描述性理论 指导性理论 规范性理论 decision-making Equate-to-Differentiate theory descriptive approach prescriptive approach norma-tive approach
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