

A Textual Research on the Historical Process about Prunus mume and Chimonanthus praecox Acquainted by Westerners
摘要 文中收集、整理了自17世纪至20世纪共22位西方学者(包括西方化的日本学者)认识、命名、收集、培育梅花Prunus mume、蜡梅Chimonanthus praecox的文献资料及其历史贡献,并比较两种植物被西方世界认识的历史差异,分析成因。最后探讨梅花、蜡梅在世界范围内推广的困境及原因。 A large number of detailed literature materials from 17th century to 20th century were combed. Their history contribution about acquainting, naming, collecting, breeding Mei flower and Wintersweet were analyzed and compared. Finally, the dilemma about extension of Mei flower and Wintersweet in the world was investigated into the root causes.
作者 李菁博 邓莲
出处 《亚热带植物科学》 2016年第3期295-300,共6页 Subtropical Plant Science
关键词 耶稣会士 植物猎人 植物学家 采集 命名 Jesuit missionaries plant hunters botanists collecting naming
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