目的:探讨乙二胺四乙酸二钾(EDTA- K2)抗凝剂致血小板(PLT)计数假性减少原因及解决措施。方法:对采用血球分析仪检测血小板结果显著减低(≤50×10^9/L)的458例标本,进行血涂片观察血小板分布情况,对其中涂片结果与分析仪计数结果明显不符的8例患者再次采血进行手工法血小板计数、末梢血涂片观察血小板分布情况和枸橼酸钠抗凝血进行分析仪血细胞计数等方法复检。结果:8例患者在复检时手工法和枸橼酸钠抗凝法血小板结果均在正常范围,与EDTA- K2抗凝结果明显差异,EDTA- K2抗凝法与枸橼酸钠抗凝法、EDTA- K2抗凝法与手工计数法差异性比较均有统计学意义(<0.01),手工法与枸橼酸钠抗凝法结果相近无统计学意义(>0.05)。结论:EDTA抗凝剂可导致血小板发生聚集,引起血球分析仪计数血小板结果假性减少,临床工作中应引起同行们的高度重视。
Objective: To investigate the reasons and solutions for spurious platelet reduction induced by ethylenediamine te-traacetic acid dipotassium ( EDTA - K2) anticoagulants. Methods: Blood smear was conducted to observe platelet distribution for 458 cases whose platelets were significantly lower by the blood cell analyzer (50×10^9/L or less) . 8 patients, whose smear results obvi-ously inconsistent with the blood cell analyzer, were drawed off blood again. Platelet count manually, peripheral blood smear observing platelet distribution, and sodium citrate anticoagulant blood cells count by the blood cell analyzer were conducted for the 8 specimens to recheck. Results:In the rechecking period, the platelets of these 8 patients under manual method and sodium citrate anticoagulants were both normal, significantly different with that of the EDTA- K2 anticoagulant blood ( 〈0.01) . Similar results were found be-tween manual method and sodium citrate anticoagulant blood ( 〉0.05) . Conclusion: EDTA anticoagulants can lead to platelet ag-gregation, resulting in spurious platelet reduction under blood corpuscle analyzer, and clinical workers should pay special attention to this.
Medical Laboratory Science and Clinics