慢性乙型病毒性肝炎(chronic hepatitis B,CHB)是一种由感染乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)所导致的慢性传染病,发病率较高、治疗效果差,严重降低了患者的生活质量,给患者及社会带来了沉重的负担。西医治疗主要依靠抗病毒疗法,效果有限。临床实践表明中医外治法治疗该病具有明显优势,通过针刺、艾灸、贴敷等方法可以起到调气活血、扶正祛邪的功效,以达治疗目的。目前中医外治法防治CHB,不仅需要循证医学的支持,也要加强作用机制的基础研究,为中医外治法的发展提供帮助。
Chronic hepatitis B(CHB) is a kind of chronic infectious disease caused by hepatitis B virus. It has a higher incidence but a worse therapeutic effect, which severely reduces the patient 's quality of life and bring heavy burden for suffer and society. Western medicine in the treatment of CHB relies mainly on antiviral therapy, but the effect is limited. Clinical practice showed we have considerable advantages in external therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture, moxibustion and sticking method can achieve the effect of regulating qi and activating b10od, strengthening vital qi to eliminate pathogenic factor to achieve therapeutic purposes. At present external therapy of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of CHB not only need the support of evidence.based medicine,but also strengthen the basic research of the mechanism, which help the deve10pment of external therapy of traditional Chinese medicine.
Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
chronic hepatitis B
external therapy of traditional Chinese medicine